Lake Jem Farms Turf Grass And Sod
Bitterblue St. Augustine
Bitterblue is another variation of St. Augustine grass. These grasses grow best in warm weather, making them a favorite of Floridians who enjoy the tropical and subtropical region. Originially engineered in the 1930s, the Bitterblue grass is sometimes confused with another variation, Floratam. But unlike Floratam, it can tolerate much more shade and cold weather. It does have some problems with fungal diseases, though, as well as chinch bugs, grubs, mole crickets, sod webworms, and cutworms, so this is important to consider when deciding on Bitterblue grass.
Bitterblue differs in appearance from other types of St. Augustine grass, which only helps with its appeal. While many other St. Augustine grass types have a thick, coarse appearance when viewed up close, Bitterblue is finer, solid turf. It also takes on a darker blue green hue than most other grasses in its group, hence the name.

Compared to other St. Augustine grasses, Bitterblue is a slow grower, and ideally it should be watered weekly. Despite this, it is capable of surviving through drought conditions. It can be cut at a height of three to four inches, and mowing frequency should be adjusted to the amount of growth, never removing more than one third of the height of the leaf blade while mowing.It is important to be aware of what kind of lawn care products you are using, as well, as 2, 4-D, a common ingredient, can actually kill Bitterblue grass. Make sure to check that any products you use are designed for St. Augustine grasses.
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