No two types of sod are alike. At Lake Jem Farms, we realize this and try to find the best sod possible for your project – whether it be for the yard of your brand new home, or for the grassy area outside of your office building. For a type of sod to thrive in the Central Florida area, it must be compatible with our sub-tropical climate, which features high humidity, high heat, and even short drought periods that can brown many types of grass in the long run. Some of the most popular grasses for this climate include Bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, and Bahia grass. A new contender, though, is Zoysia Turf Sod.
Zoysia Sod is actually our number one seller here at Lake Jem Farms. As mentioned, it is the perfect grass for many residential and commercial applications. It is soft to the touch, making it perfect for parks or other recreational uses – for example, it is highly popular with golf courses. For the same reasons it is a great grass to add to your lawn. It is more resistant to bugs and diseases than many other grasses that grow in the Central Florida area, and also requires less fertilization that similar grasses like St. Augustine grass.
It is perfect for your residential home because it is soft to the touch – if your children or pets are going to be playing in the grass on a regular basis, wouldn’t you rather have one that is soft than another grass that is rougher when you roll around on it? It is also tolerant to a variety of levels of sunlight – which is great if you have a yard that has both shaded areas as well as sunny areas. It deals with temperature changes well too – even though Central Florida stays sunny and warm for most of the year, there are a few months that get chilly, and you want to make sure you will not be spending countless dollars completely re-sodding your lawn every single year.