It may be tempting to trying sodding your own lawn, but be warned, it is harder than it looks. Sodding can help to establish a lawn, allowing it to integrate successfully. But when it’s not done correctly, you run the risk that your lawn simply won’t take, and all...
Pro Tips From Central Florida Sod & Turf Experts
Lake Jem Farms – The Trusted Source for Sod & Turf for Over 30 years!
Lawn Care Articles
Herbicides and Pesticides – What to Use?
Most of us spend a lot of time and money getting our Central Florida lawns to look perfect only to wake up one morning and see weeds or large brown spots where insects have been dining! Fighting Mother Nature can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, however...
Reasons Professional Sodding Beats Out DIY
Is your lawn looking like it’s in dire need of some serious help? Are you thinking of putting down some new turf in your yard? Investing in professional sodding is money well spent. When done well, sodding can establish a lawn and allow it to integrate successfully....
Choosing the Best Florida Sod Farm for Commercial Properties
When choosing a commercial sod farm to supply turfgrass for your hotel, golf course, or other types of business, it is important to take into consideration several aspects of your needs when it comes to grass choices. The amount of foot traffic, expected lawn...
How to Prep for Sod Installation
Creating a thick, lush lawn in Florida is easily achievable by installing sod onto your lawn. However, it’s not as easy as just rolling the sod out and adding water. There are a few things to check off your list before having sod installed by a Central Florida sod...
Advantages of Sod Over Seeding Your Yard
As summer kicks into high gear, you want to spend more time outside. Therefore, you want your yard to be in tip-top shape so you can enjoy it - whether for an afternoon BBQ or for your children to run around and play games. Sod can be a great option to create a lush...
Winter Lawn Care Tips
It may not feel like it now, but winter is coming to Central Florida eventually, and you will need to have your lawn prepared. There are some easy steps you can take starting now to keeping your lawn in good shape as the winter months reach us. First, make sure to...
Overseeding Lawns for Cooler Months
In our previous blog, we mentioned overseeding grass during the winter to maintain a great looking lawn year round. But what is overseeding? Overseeding is just what it sounds like – adding seed over your warm season grass so that the lawn will remain full and green...
Fall Sod Tips
Fall is right around the corner! Even though we are in the Sunshine State, the weather in Florida eventually turns cool, and it is important to know how to care for grass during the Fall. Commonly, grasses made for cool seasons include bluegrass, bentgrass, fescues,...

Keeping Summer Grass Healthy
Are you worried about how your grass will react to the summer weather? Even though the summer months are coming to an end, the hot weather will be around for a little while longer at least, and it is important to keep some tips and tricks in mind. Or, if your lawn has...